She is a Bitch!!!

Two young couple were really excited to hear from the doctor that they are going to be parents soon. The man compared himself as a tiger and told to himself, he will be granted a son soon, by god. His wife passed the first trimester and the man wanted to know the gender of the baby as, he doesn’t want a SIN (girl) as his offspring. But due to the laws, he couldn’t get the chance to know the gender. There is a saying in India which people misunderstood in different ways than the actual meaning of it, ” if you do many wrongs, you will be punished by god granting a daughter to you!!” The actual meaning of this was, a woman is very pure and protective and to be a father to her, will make him more responsible and he will think twice to commit any crime. As, woman are treated as goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of wealth. But, people misinterpreted it, as a SIN to have a girl child, as it was a punishment. The couple are rich and they have no problems and all they n...