Search of LOVE!!

When she was born, she never knew what is love, as she was thrown into a garbage can as she was never loved by her parents. Though, she was hungry, she cried but no one wants to take her home as she was a burden to them and that too she is a girl. The day one itself she didn't found love by her own mother, but she thought someone might love her in spite of her species being a female. Then, one man crossing the street found out there was a baby crying in a garbage can and took her in his hands and looked around if there are any loved ones of hers. As, nobody came, that man took her to his house. She was born with red hair and brown eyes and is a cute white colored beautiful baby girl, but his wife looking at her rejected the baby girl, as she was a girl. The man pleased his wife to let her stay for the night, until he finds an orphanage for her. She got little leftover milk and she drank it easily as she was so hungry from morning. Next day morning,the man took her to the or...