
Showing posts from October, 2015

Immunity is really important!!

Hello Frnds,                    Today let me discuss about an important topic named "immunity". I wonder how are we going to get immunity, as we are staying in a polluted environment!! Many people get sick easily due to weather change, due to pollution and even due to drinking water as well. As we all know, we studied at childhood, we got white blood cells who protect us from certain viruses and bacteria's,but it all depends on our good diet which we follow. So, what i mean to say is whatever is happening with our health is due to the wrong diet we follow. I have seen many youngsters loosing their hair, getting BP, sugars at the age of 25-30 yrs!! The main reason of these things are due to their bad habits and improper food intake and tensions at work. But, looking at the past or at the old centuries people used to die due to some dangerous diseases because of lack of medical help but not due to small cigarette!! So, the proper diet has to be followed by everyon

Green Tea, Whoa... I like it but Why?????

Hello Everyone,                OK, where are we today? ya, green tea! My day starts with having green tea and i feel fresh through out the day,I have started drinking green tea from 6 years by now and i felt really good by the benefits of it. Well, am not a science student to let you know the actual benefits of it but i can share what i know and what i have experienced by having green tea daily in the morning. My mother told me once that, having green tea early in the morning gives you a fresh face, skin gets shinier and there i started it!  But the actual benefits of having green tea is that: It's just a green liquid,where we can add some honey and lemon to get some taste but why are we drinking this ? Scientists discovered that green tea has bio active components which can help us to improve our health. (Hey what is bio active components,am not a science student buddy!!!) OK,these are nothing but essential nutrients in short form. (well i wonder, whats the big deal

Welcome to my world

Hello Everyone,                           This is Ravali, am basically not a beginner in this blogging world as i have already three blogs running now,i thought to create one special blog which is helpful and also useful for everyone. This blog of mine is about Health, Fashion and Relationships. Yes, you heard right!! These days many people in the world are browsing internet to know about their interested topics so, i thought why not to start a blog to share my knowledge. Let me share the knowledge i know and let me hear your questions and concerns as well. You guys can follow this blog page in Twitter, Facebook and also Instagram, which will be soon posted by me. Reason to start this blog: Many wonder, why did i start this blog as already am having three wonderful blogs! The purpose or my motto is to share something interesting that you people never come across in life and learn new things..!! You guys can follow other blogs of mine as well,which are: ravali-aspiringmind