Immunity is really important!!

Hello Frnds,
                   Today let me discuss about an important topic named "immunity". I wonder how are we going to get immunity, as we are staying in a polluted environment!!
Many people get sick easily due to weather change, due to pollution and even due to drinking water as well. As we all know, we studied at childhood, we got white blood cells who protect us from certain viruses and bacteria's,but it all depends on our good diet which we follow.
So, what i mean to say is whatever is happening with our health is due to the wrong diet we follow.
I have seen many youngsters loosing their hair, getting BP, sugars at the age of 25-30 yrs!!
The main reason of these things are due to their bad habits and improper food intake and tensions at work. But, looking at the past or at the old centuries people used to die due to some dangerous diseases because of lack of medical help but not due to small cigarette!!

So, the proper diet has to be followed by everyone to have a good health.
(Hey, it's being too much ha..there are many yummy food like burgers,pizzas,..etc)
There are some essential vitamins and proteins which are really needed for a healthy diet. they are: Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2,Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Zinc.
(Hey, the list is good but in which fruits and vegetables can we find them??)
Well, i would suggest you people look into this website for getting more information about which fruit or veggie has got which vitamins.
(Hey, so following this diet we are prone to good immunity ???)
I would say, we all need to change some of our daily habits as well.
(Again, what were they??)

Everyday we hear from our mother screaming at us to wake up as its going to be noon etc but we don't wake up before the sunrise!
we skip having breakfast!
we eat lunch at  5 o'clock in the evening due to hard schedule at work!
we drink lots of coffee to feel stress free!
obviously smoking and drinking helps a lot for people who are stress prone!
(Lol, ya )
I would say if you are really bothered about your health and this beautiful boon from god named life, try to follow some good habits which can make you feel good about something that you are alive for!!
so, just waking up early in the morning will do something good?
Exercising daily will make us more energetic and healthier than ever and guess what there is another best medicine for staying healthy is to laugh!
(We will be called crazy for sure!!)
Laughing is a best medicine for a brighter health but how are we going to get laughter for having lots of tensions in our mind?
The best thing to do is to meditate for at least half hour which gives you a good boosting for your brain to think more and it also helps us to
be tension free.
(Hey, its being too much you know!!)
For every problem, every situation there will be a solution and all we need to do is to smile away the problem with a cool mind and act right and that's it!
Try to look over this website as well:

So, the main and important thing we learnt today is there are may excuses for us to stay away from a problem but try to face the problem with a smile and confidence in your mind.
Get healthier,wealthier and wise!

Keep posting your wonderful comments which i would like to answer!

Ravali :) :)


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