She is a Bitch... (Continued)

Still she has the spirit of being alone and become independent so, she started focusing on the path she has chosen, She wanted to become independent and earn. Though the people around her criticize her, she took a strong step to work and earn money for her family. Her dad at first was reluctant with the decision but when he saw his daughter being independent, he was the proudest father in the world. Now, its time for him to search a good person for her to marry her off.

He started searching good matches for her but what he get from people are that?
How much will our son get in dowry?
She should stop working and raise kids and take care of them…
She is 25 yrs you say, no we are looking for a younger lady!!
We need dowry of 25 kg gold and 25K  of cash and she should work!!

Hearing all these reasons and hearing the caste a lot, her dad thought she would never get a husband. She was strong and she revived the news and concentrated on her career than those lousy proposals she get from boys, who just want a girl to sleep with but are not serious about the relation. Days passed by with lots of tension to her father and match searching still going on ,they found a very good match and they said they don’t need anything except her. So, the proud father married her of with that person. Though his entire family was educated, the next day of the marriage, they started complaining about dowry. Poor lady, how can she ask her father as now she has her own family now. She told her in-laws that she cannot afford that amount but she will work hard for getting the amount they wanted because she wanted to save her marriage.

Why can’t she go to any women support organization for justice?
Why can’t she ask her father and get out of the problem?
Does any lady in this world, gets a good treatment from the society if she speaks up about her problems?
Does anyone really think in justifying manner that, she is not wrong but she had to divorce him because he is bad?
In developing countries the divorce process takes about one year to be official, well the questions are like this and then her in-laws started treating her like a slave and started scolding and behaving bad with her. But, if she take a step of divorcing him and will anyone marry her or can she get another life?

Because every man wants a lady who has never been into a relationship with another man, there are people who still maintain such relations behind the doors but acts as if they are pure and perfect. Even there is equal proportionate of wrong doings by both the genders, they leverage female as the main suspect than the male as, the society itself is dominated by the males. Now-a-days, females have also developed not only in education but also to stay and fight for their rights. Now, coming to the story, due to her love and respect to her husband, she managed to change him and he stood for her and stopped the atrocities she has been facing from her in-laws and showed them, respecting a woman gives good future and good luck in the house than making her as a slave. She gave birth to a beautiful girl child and they lived happily ever after…


If god is true, then the universe is true. He has created two genders in species, so they can live in harmony and happily but not for dominating one and another. He thought of a world full of emotions but not the way we treat each other.

If anyone feel my content is bit harsh on anyone I would like to apologize but whatever I write is out of observation and experience in life and this is the actual fact happening in many countries.



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