You took my honor...!

Hello Friends,

                      It's been a while I haven't written anything in my blog but this post is really one of the important situation currently in India, where own father or mother or brother or sister are killing their own family in the name of caste and honor. This post is for all of those lunatics who doesn't know the meaning of family!

Yes she is 21 year old and according to law, if she marries a person now, it is legal then why she have been forced to marry a person from her caste?

 whereas she loved this person who is from a different caste?

Her parents spit on her face of her decision to marry a person from a different caste, is it because she loved him? is it because she ignored her parents wish? is it because she ignored her career? is it because she is not trustworthy?

She was abused, harassed and beaten to death by her own parents just because that she chose the heart she loves!

A mother carries her child in her womb for 9 months in the thought of her child to be healthy and well but she never thinks to kill her child, if the child doesn't obey her after being born!

Parents love their children a lot but how can a parent kill their own child, just because you are loosing honor in front of society? can society bring back the child you raised these 21 years again? can society bring back those lost moments of happiness when you saw her in your arms?

How can a parent kill anyone who is also a child of some parent?

Parents can be strict with their children, they can scold them, they can beat them if needed, but they can never force their children to obey their rules always, as you dealing with an adult who is already mature enough to take care of their well-being!

Being a mother or father is not greatness, anyone can become parents but only few can become god than parents, why in any sacred book may be its bible or gita or quran parents are compared with god is because they have the patience to look after their children and make them a good citizen but how can a parent kill their own child?

How can they say they took their honor as they thought to marry a person who is worthy for them?

Whatever it might be, society never supports violence, society supports certain norms and rules but those for to improve the society but never for honor!

Ok, you killed a person so, the same society will support you now? where is your honor now!

Is it a war between parents and children for caste and honor?

Are we fighting for something which is not even bothered?

Honor comes with truth and justice and it never comes with killing!

So, stop being a paranoid and think about your child not about the society as society never supports killing!

Note: This post is for those recent news I heard and being a socialist of my own, I would like to protest these  honor killings and also this matter will be getting a justice for sure and we will fight for it!


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