Dear Grandpa.......

Dear Grandpa "The Chocolatier",

Am getting used to this new environment you have chosen for me,
you always dream of me having a good life and being happy.
Being a girl,you never showed any inequality between me and my siblings and you always supported me to do the right things in life.
As, you are watching me from heaven now, i would like to dedicate these posts in the form of a letter to you.

Dearly Grandpa, you made me promise that, i should be in a good position in life, when you are sick and about to leave me and everyone of ur
loving family.Now, though i kept my promise i thought to share with you some questions, which made me to think about this life.
I Became the one whom you wanted to be, now am confused to choose the path, my path is being broken into pieces because of many obstacles now.
From the day you left us, people have changed and your own sons started acting weird.
They started making some weird stories about you which are not true at all.
When a person leaves this world then they reach heaven, right?
Then, will you define life as a hell?
Why people keep on changing their minds like a chameleon, is that for survival in the society or for their own needs?
I know you cannot answer my questions as you are enjoying your time at heaven but why do people go to heaven or hell after death?
Why we should take such a pain where, you are being demoralized by the people who know you from birth?
Suffering is what life means or being brave?
I still remember of your words, when we went to receive your award at the theater for best poetry that, life is nothing but moving forward, but
am doing the same but how much i move forward but still the clock stops at the point where i started..........

Your's Ravs!!

Note: The post i have written is basically about Pain and suffering we receive due to our known family members, those people who are very good in
nature when our parents or guardians around and if they are not present, they start behaving like monsters and for a little girl/boy to live
in such environment may made up their mind about world as a cruel one, don't you think? But world is not the same as she/he seen in their life, don't you agree?

Please feel free to comment on this post!!

To be continued.....


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