Sweet and Short Love Story--

Facebook these days became main social networking website due to its amazing benefits of photos sharing, status postings, Videos sharing as well and main thing to chat and call the person just for free
by using Internet. This is a true story how two people (Names have been changed for privacy concerns) met each other in Facebook and ended up breaking their relation due to some problems they have faced.

Jack and Rose were college mates, both knew each other but they are not that friendly during their college days. Both got settled in good jobs and they opened Facebook account to keep in touch with their friends. As, if we have many mutual friends in Facebook we get a notification to add a known friend so, Jack thought of adding Rose in his Facebook. Rose, at first thought its not good to add a stranger but later on due to his frequent requests of adding him in her account, she added him. They both started chatting and obviously, they got fond of each other. Rose is from a very rich family and are of from high society (Likewise in the movie titanic!!).
Whereas, Jack was a normal person, with a small family. They both fell in love with each other as their chatting grows up. They started making calls and finally when Rose got a transfer from her work she shifted to the city where jack works.
As, for these young lovers they need to meet to know themselves, they started meeting each other.There is no one day that each other hung up in phones or chats, because they have got a very good understanding in themselves.
As, for girls it will be too late if she turns out to be 25 and not married, so she conveyed her thoughts to her parents and they agreed jack to be her husband. While, Jack's parents disagreed and scolded jack for loving a girl who is from a high society.
Jack tried his level best to convince his parents but they didn't agree at all. So, Jack made a decision to leave Rose and be with his parents and he broke up with Rose. Rose was devastated by this news and have tried a lot many attempts to convince jack but alas he didn't make a move to convince his parents anymore.
In this short sweet story, what i would like to convey to people around is that Love can happen many times but true love can happen only once.
(Hey, how can you say that love can happen many times?? )
See, in this story of Jack and Rose, they loved each other but Jack didn't loved Rose, the way she loves him. Jack indeed loved her but not truly. If he truly loved Rose, he wouldn't decide abruptly to leave her. He would wait for the right time or he might take a big step to move on with his lover but he wouldn't spoil Rose's life.

Search for that true love, who can stay with you forever but not that person who tries to spend whole lot of time with you but at the correct time he leaves you.
So, True love is nothing but staying together in happy or bad times alike and not leaving the person's hand.

Folks, Love may be true but try to make it true but don't fake it!!!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!



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